Happy Birthday, ERISA!

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act - E.R.I.S.A. (or as one judge put it, Everything Ridiculous Invented Since Adam) turned the big 40 this month!

There has been no shortage of litigation since its enactment, as this article put it:

"In the past 40 years, lawsuits concerning ERISA have been filed by employees and plan beneficiaries, alleging their employers and/or plan fiduciaries have violated ERISA laws. Meanwhile, recent changes to ERISA laws have strengthened the requirements for people who act as plan fiduciaries. As more ERISA lawsuits are filed, more sections of the act are being interpreted and reinterpreted."

This is an active and interesting are of law, and gives our office the opportunity to help real people with real problems.

Happy Birthday, E.R.I.S.A.!

Check out the full article at: